Squeaky Cleaning provides cleaning services for seniors, helping them live in their homes longer. Our trained, highly-professional cleaning team will work closely with our clients to ensure all their cleaning needs are met, and exceeded! Professional cleaning is particularly beneficial for those with weakened immune systems, allergies, or other medical conditions that leave them vulnerable to infections and toxins. Let us ensure your loved one has a safe, tidy, healthy home.
Professional Cleaning for Seniors Service
Book a cleaning for seniors cleaning service to save time and money! Squeaky Cleaners are professional,
friendly and committed to providing a consistent cleaning experience that you can trust.
Each cleaning is tailored to your specific needs while following professional cleaning standards.

Detailed cleaning of your
bathroom & kitchen

Vacuuming and mopping
of all floors
Disinfecting of
high-touchpoint areas

Cleaning for Seniors on
Their Schedule
Maintain peace of mind knowing that Squeaky Cleaning will transform any home into an enjoyable environment, leaving it with a sparkle and shine. Squeaky Cleaning is the right solution for seniors looking for a professional, well-trained maid service. Request a free cleaning quote below or give us a call to speak with our friendly staff. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.
Submit a Service Inquiry
At Squeaky Cleaning, customer service is our main priority. Our friendly staff are waiting to serve you.
Feel free to give us a call at 647-799-1075 or submit a service inquiry below.