Home renovation is a time-consuming and tiring process. When everything is complete, you will almost certainly have a lot of dust, clutter, and debris on practically every surface in your home. Your primary focus should be on removing all construction dust before entering your air ducts. Unfortunately, almost all home renovation tasks generate dust particles, which find their way into every corner of the room you've so meticulously renovated. Post renovation cleaning in Toronto is essential, and depending on the size of the renovation project, it may necessitate a significant amount of time, equipment, and money to complete. Lucky for you, our Squeaky Cleaning Professionals have prepared a Post Renovation Cleaning Guide to make your job easier.
Don't let layers of dust turn your newly remodelled home into an unpleasant place. Put on a protective mask and follow Squeaky Cleaning's Post Renovation Cleaning Guide and Tips to add those final touches to your incredible new space.

1. Open the Windows
Open all windows of your home to encourage ventilation - even if it's cold outside. Doing this will activate an airflow that will pull out dust, reduce the smells of cleaning products, and eliminate the odd odours of sawn wood and plaster dust.
This is an excellent method to remove dust, let in the fresh air, and eliminate the post-renovation odour. If you have an air purifier, turn it on to absorb excess dust. Breathing in too much dust can cause respiratory problems such as coughing.
Keep your cleaning tools and materials organized by storing them in a portable caddy or bucket. Some cleaning supplies to have on hand are:
Face Mask
Dryer Sheets
Microfiber cloths
Window sill cleaner
Cleaning brush
Cleaning Solutions (Or you can make your own)
Hand Gloves
Spray Bottle
2. Sweep the Floors First
It might be tempting to start cleaning by dusting surfaces, but don't do that. Instead, start by sweeping the floors.
Sweeping frequently causes dust to accumulate on surfaces. If you don't want to get stuck in a never-ending cycle of dust, sweep, and repeat; consider sweeping first to reduce the additional dust clouds.
3. Dust all Surfaces
Wipe down everything in your home using microfiber cloths. It would help if you did not use old rags for dusting; instead, use dusting cloths that are made to capture dust particles.
Make sure you clean between the window sills, blinds, door frames, cupboards, shelving units, and other surfaces. Begin in one corner near the exit and work your way to the same place.
4. Vacuum and Mop Floors
Begin cleaning the carpets and work your way to the corners with the vacuum attachment. Then, slowly run the vacuum cleaner over your carpeting. It's tempting to go full speed to get the task done faster, but going slowly ensures that you suck in all of the dirt.
After cleaning your floors, finish your deep cleaning session by mopping them. Make sure to clean every nook and cranny to ensure no hidden dust.
5. Furniture and Soft Furnishings Should be Vacuumed and Washed.
It's time to bring in your furniture now that you have vacuumed and mopped the floor. Take the time to vacuum up all the concealed dust before you start relaxing on your new sofa or mattress. Change the vacuum attachment required to remove every last speck of dust from the crevices.
Before washing removable coverings and soft furnishings such as curtains, beds and pillowcases, please give them a thorough shake outside your home. This ensures you eliminate dust that may have settled in the furniture entirely. These dust particles can even loosen the fabric, causing wear and tear.
6. Check the Air-Conditioner Vents and Kitchen Hood
Air vents are dust magnets and are frequently overlooked during a Toronto post-renovation cleaning. Dust and dirt particles will automatically find their way to the vents during a renovation. Clean the air conditioner and kitchen hood filters with soap and warm water. Allow it to dry completely before reinstalling it. This will keep your air conditioning or heating system clogged and dust from recirculating back into the space you've spent hours cleaning.
7. Wipe Down Hard Surfaces
Disinfect any hard surfaces, such as kitchen counters, to ensure your home is squeaky clean. Dry out all cleaned areas to avoid musty odours or mould concerns in your newly refurbished home.
Remember to leave cupboards open to dry out; otherwise, they could give off damp odours.
8. Vacuum once More
When you believe you're finished, go over the space with a vacuum once more. Because much of the dust in the air has settled by now, a final clean will reduce the chances of ongoing dust problems.
Hiring a Professional Post Renovation Cleaning Service
Our trusted cleaning team can help if the thought of post-renovation cleaning sounds like too much effort; or if you're worn out from the renovation process.
Post renovation cleaning services are an excellent approach to ensure that your home is clean and dust-free. You don't have to do the hard work when someone else will do it for you.
Contact us for the expert cleaning services in Toronto today!
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