Even if you scrub the counters and wipe the floor thoroughly, your kitchen may not be as clean as you wish. No matter how careful you are, some areas in your kitchen require special attention to keep germs at bay. You may achieve a sparkling clean kitchen by tackling these usually overlooked spots.

1. Dishcloths, brushes, and sponges
Dishcloths and sponges are the biggest culprits in terms of the spreading of germs in the home. To disinfect them, clean them with soap and warm water first, then soak them for 15 minutes in a disinfectant fluid. Finally, allow them to dry completely after wringing out as much liquid as possible. Soaking in hot water will suffice if you don’t have any sterilizing fluid on hand.
Some sponges and cleaning cloths can also be washed in the washing machine or thrown into the dishwasher while running, but only on a hot cycle to disinfect and kill germs.
Brushes used for washing should be soaked in disinfectant and then allowed to dry with the brush head up. Many dish brushes can be washed in the top rack of the dishwasher.
2. Coffee Machines
Your coffee machine may not seem like the most obvious germ magnet, but it may become a breeding ground for yeast and mould if you don't clean it often. Some coffee makers may be cleaned and sanitized using vinegar, while others require a cleaning product, so it's best to consult the user manual for guidance.
3. Kitchen Sink
Clean your kitchen sink with disinfectant or a bleach solution to keep germs at bay. Pay special attention to the plughole and sink overflow by cleaning with an old sterilized toothbrush.
A quick tip is to soak your dishcloths in disinfectant in the sink, and both will be disinfected simultaneously.
4. Kitchen Handles
With some warm water and detergent, clean frequently-touched surfaces like fridge handles, stove knobs, taps, and door handles from time to time. Then apply an antibacterial spray or Dettol and allow them to dry completely. Clean stainless steel with a cloth to keep it streak-free.
5. Kitchen Counters
The best technique to keep kitchen countertops clean varies by surface type, with certain surfaces requiring more care than others. After cooking for the day, wipe down all kitchen counters with a clean cloth and an antibacterial spray to keep germs at bay. Also, remember to clean under and behind appliances like kettles and toasters.
6. Chopping Boards
If your chopping board is dishwasher safe, the most convenient and sanitary way to clean it is to run it through a cycle at a minimum temperature of 65C. Alternatively, wash with hot soapy water and then sterilize with boiling water. An antibacterial spray will help keep it free of germs.
7. Salt and Pepper Shaker
Do you wash your salt and pepper shakers often? They’re one of your kitchen’s most used condiments, and we never consider the germs that live on them.
Please put them in the dishwasher before filling them up again. Don’t just wash them by hand. To sterilize, hot water must reach a temperature of 140 degrees, which your dishwasher can easily achieve. You can clean them from the outside with antibacterial wipes in between washes.
8. Can Opener
Like many people, you probably don’t clean your can opener after each use, and you should probably stop doing it since can openers can be a breeding ground for mould and yeast.
Each time you use your can opener, place it in the top rack of the dishwasher and set it to sanitize mode. If it has grime stuck onto it, wet an old toothbrush and dip it in baking soda. Then scrape the blade and gears before placing it in the dishwasher.
9. Water Bottles
According to research, your water bottle may have more bacteria than a dog’s chew toy. Even though the study only looked at 12 water bottles, it does make you wonder.
Don’t forget to rinse your water bottle after each usage from now on. Please put it in the top rack of the dishwasher in sanitize mode.
Before putting the bottle’s lid in the dishwasher, scrape the gasket with a toothbrush soaked in warm, soapy water if it appears to be gunky.
10. Blender
Try out this quick clean-up method for cleaning out your blender pitcher. After every other usage, you’ll need to go a little deeper to avoid mildew and mould growth caused by moisture that has gotten into the blade region.
Twist off the container’s base to get the blade region immaculately clean. Scrub the blade and rubber gasket with warm water after disassembling them. Allow them to air dry completely before reassembling the blender.
If you are looking for the best cleaning services Oakville. Get in touch with us today for a Free Estimate.
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